My Naked Reality

Olga painted flower.jpg

During the corona days I have been filling the empty spaces in my calendar with what I call “soul nurturing time”. Poetry, painting, music, telling and listening to stories. And, among the books I have had time to read, there is one by Marion Woodman, ‘Coming home to myself’, that has brought me joy and inspiration. The inspiration to create my new website and coaching programs, but also the invitation to stand still and listen, to stand still and look.

In the quietness of the listening and looking, I could feel the impulse to take brushes and watercolors and paint this simple anemone in its naked beauty.


Femininity is taking responsibility

 for who I am,

not only what l do,

not how l seem to be,

not what l accomplish.

When all the doing is done,

I have to face myself

In my naked reality.


However veiled,

the feminine

Is always naked.

- Marion Woodman


After a life journey of doing and accomplishing, I find myself in this very special moment of truly feeling in the center of myself, not traveling around the periphery of my heart.

And there is a nakedness, a simplicity, a beauty hard to describe.

So I take the brushes, I mix the color paste with water, and I dare to do what I haven’t done in the last 40 years of my life: to sit still, look and create.

And it makes me feel complete. Naked, but complete.


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